Meet Bliss

We practice healing artistry

At Bliss, we want you to feel seen, heard, felt, understood and validated. Whatever your life experience, it is TRUE for you, and we want to help you make sense of your story in a new and meaningful ways so you can optimize your mental, physical and spiritual well-being to heal, be well and live your best life.

MEET the founder: Shae Goodell

Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology Doctorate Student Rivier University (2028)

M. Ed. Neuroscience & Trauma, Tabor College

Interfaith Reverend/Ordained Minister, 1 Spirit Learning Alliance (May 2025)

C-IAYT Board-Certified Mind-Body Therapist, International Association of Yoga Therapists

Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, New World Ayurveda

Energy Medicine Practitioner & Master Teacher, Multiple Schools

Board Certified Brain Health Coach, Amen Clinics

Board Certified Neuroencoding Specialist, Dr. Joseph McClendon, Neuroencoding Institute

YACEP Continuing Education Provider, Yoga Alliance

Certified Consciousness-Based Spiritual Mentor, New World Ayurveda

Certified Therapeutic Life Mentor, Phoenix Rising School of Yoga Therapy

Personal Trainer, International Sports Science Association

Shae Goodell is an Integrative Holistic Therapist, Spiritual Mentor, and Strategic Healer working in private practice since 2017. But, that is only PART of her story.

In 2012, Shae was over hundred pounds overweight sitting at 240 pounds. She struggled with a long term eating disorder and body image struggles.  Exercise was the only medium that created any semblance of connecting with her body, and lived in a world of calorie counting, excessive exercise and scale addiction. She felt “overworked and underpaid”, burned out from a corporate job and raising two special needs boys with an absent father while trying to ensure they did not deal with the same trauma and adversity that she faced as a child. She put unrealistic expectations on herself that made her a chronic perfectionist and people pleaser. She struggled with mental health challenges, long term depression, and although she did not know it at the time, she would come to be diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder which would help explain so much and make her thankful she started her own healing journey when she did.

It was these conditions that led to a “dark night of the soul”, that oft-spoken of time in ones life where everything just feel “wrong” yet you don’t know what will make it “right”. She decided she no longer wanted her life to be defined by the trauma and adversity she had faced in her young life. She set out on a transformational journey and spiritual awakening to change her life, the life of her children and family, and become an advocate, educator, and inspirational speaker to people all around the world through classes, workshops, trainings, retreats, and more. Her work is informed by the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection to healing, disease prevention, and consciousness-based well-being. She sees the whole person and believes, whenever possible, we need to focus more on prevention through lifestyle coaching and prevention methods for addressing trauma and adversity that causes many health conditions.  She’s all about addressing the root cause not just treating symptoms. She sees the whole person and believes, whenever possible, we need to focus more on prevention through lifestyle coaching and prevention methods for addressing trauma and adversity that causes many health conditions.  She’s all about addressing the root cause not just treating symptoms.

Today, Shae is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology at Rivier University after studying psychoneuroimmunology, she knows that learning to master our mind is one of the most important things we can do to improve physical health. She has a Masters Degree in Neuroscience & Trauma and understands how adversity throughout life informs the lens with which we see ourselves, others and the world around us.

She is a Board Certified Mind-Body Therapist from a degree program that is rooted in yoga, Buddhism, Psychology and Neuroscience. She offers specializing training in mindfulness, breathwork, meditation, and the authentic expression of Yoga.

While her dream job is to be a Psychiatrist, life conditions made that somewhat impossible, but that has not stopped her from learning all she can about the brain from teachers like Dr. Daniel Amen, the founder of Amen Clinics, and Dr. Joseph McClendon, the founder of the Neuroencoding Institute, and Shirzad Shamin, the founder of Positive Intelligence. She uses the learnings and tools from these programs to educate, inspire and empower others to take control of our brain health.

She is certified and professional trained in Ayurveda consciousness based lifestyle medicine as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. Ayurveda has been one of the most amazing changes to her life in the last seven years. Today she lives with Lyme disease and a chronic pain condition, she has found Ayurveda to be one of the single best choices she made to improve her health to improve everything from rosacea on her skin, irregular periods, digestion issues, chornic pain.

Shae is also a Energy Medicine practitioner and educator, having trained with Master teachers around the world, from Nepal to Thailand, and India. Everything is energy and we are all connected through our energy. We can learn to manage our energy to improve our health. She uses Tibetan and Usui Holy Fire Reiki, consciousness-based healing, sound healing, intuition and mediumship and other modalities to facilitate the flow of energy and teaches clients how to do the same.

She also offers Spiritual Mentoring as a Minister in training with 1Spirit Learning Alliance, and Phoenix Rising School of Yoga Therapy. After completing a two year research project on Inner Peace, the truth is, our spirituality and spiritual formation is paramount and foundational to all change, growth and development. She guides others in Spiritual Formation and infuses these teachings with consciousness-based living principles from Ayurveda and thought-leaders like Dr. David Hawkins, who developed the Map of Consciousness.

She has dedicated the last ten plus years of her life to the study, understanding, practice, and teaching of the “medicine” we most need today. Less doctors, diets, drugs, and diagnosis codes, and more seeing the whole you, the real you, you beyond your symptoms and labels., more compassion, more connection, more nurturing.

Every day she is healing a little more - nourishing her mind, body, and spirit. In her personal life, and in practice as an integrative therapist and healing arts practitioner, she blends both ancient wisdom with modern science to understand the delicate connection between mind, body, heart, and spirit and create the conditions to thrive in life and live the life her soul was destined for.  She loves educating clients about the power of this more holistic, personalized, and integrative approach that can give clients so much more power over their well-being and healing. 

Shae delivers services to clients via private and small group mentoring programs, workshops and classes, retreats, and consulting.  She offers personal and professional development courses and a two-year apprenticeship training programs in the evidence-based Bliss Therapy™ technique she developed over the last ten years of training and research.


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