Personal Training

A personal trainer is a fitness professional who works with individuals to help them achieve their health and fitness goals. They create customized workout plans, provide guidance on exercise techniques, and offer motivation and support throughout the fitness journey. Personal trainers can also give advice on nutrition, track progress, and adjust exercise routines as needed to ensure that clients are making steady progress. I offer insight and knowledge from exercise science, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and hold multiple certifications from accredited organizations.

We use a very unique and integrative approach that looks at the whole person, your goals, and what has and had not worked for you in the past. We offer a safe space to show up just as you are and live into the person, body and health you want to be.

Shae Goodell offers In-Person Personal Training exclusively at Real Steel Gym in Keene, NH

complementary & holistic care with personal training

It is important to work with a licensed medical and/or mental health professional to make sure you can participate in personal training. At Bliss, we offer complementary and alternative medicine and holistic wellness services for clients who want to take advantage of personal training services for a variety of physical and mental health benefits.

  • Ayurveda is a 5,000 system of functional and lifestyle medicine rooted in consciousness - conscious connection to our body and the food we eat. We now know that good plays a big factor in our health, especially long term, and while we are unindated with the latest celebrity fad diets, quick weight loss gimmicks, these are quick fixes but they rarely lead to lasting change. In fact, most people regain their weight and often even more. Ayurveda lifestyle medicine offers wisdom that can inform how we think about ourselves, our body, our relationship to food, our daily habits and practices and our sleep.

    When working with clients as n ISSA Certified Personal Trainer we like to do a complete intake and assessment to understand your struggles, where you are at in your journey, who is part of your care team, and make detailed recommendations to help make navigating the journey of recovery so much more supportive.

    This might mean helping you make more mindful choices about nutrition, improving digestion so the body does not have to work so hard. We can also provide holistic sleep support so you have more energy and do not feel so drained, or guiding and coaching you to make positive behavior modification that have been shown to help rewire the brain so there is less and less dependency on sweets and salty foods and other foods and beverages that do not align with your health and wellness goals. We support you 1005 of the way!

  • At the root of personal training is a desire to change something about our body - too heavy, too thin, sculpting, improve heart health, improve cognitive health, etc.

    Somatic awareness of ourselves is a nuance in self-connection that is rarely taught because most people do not know how to do it and it happens so quickly we need to learn to pay attention to it. We believe we feel something in our body even before our mind registers what it might be, and this is a catalyst for the "craving". We can guide you to listen to the body, feel safe and connected to your body and develop this somatic literacy to help make your brain and body work for you on your recovery journey.

    We work with each client to understand how somatic therapy fits into your personal training and fitness goals and offer safe, trauma-informed, and compassionate spaces to explore their relationship to changing your health and how to stay regulated, on track, and celebrate your successes for your health and wellness goals.

  • Our brain plays a big role in how easy it is to both engage in personal training, set goals, and achieve those health and wellness goals. Through our understanding our neuroscience and brain health, we use a brain-based approach to coaching and mentoring clients in to understand and implement strategies to improve brain health so that you can feel more healthy, empowered, and committed to your personal training journey, stay on track, receive accountability and support, and celebrate your successes .

  • Energy Medicine comes in many forms and we offer sound healing, energy work like Reiki and Pranic healing, bodywork, breathwork and other modalities to help clients change their relationship to their body.

    Sometimes this means creating safe, quiet, relaxing spaces where clients learn how to be calm and still in their body. This is especially helpful for people who may have carried too little or too much weight and feel a constant desire to change their physical body. Just for a moment we can learn to live and love the body we have now. Once we accept our body it is an amazing catalyst to change our body.

    We educate clients on the energetic qualities of personal training and how this impacts goals, whether it is weight loss, weight gain, weight management, heart health, respiratory health, and more.

    You can learn how to move stale, stuck, and negative energy from the body and to bring more balance back to the whole. It may also include "moving" the energy through integration and "digestion" of past experiences so we no longer have to hold them with such force.

stop treating symptoms and start addressing root cause

Here are a few key points about personal training

Why would someone work with a personal training

There are a variety of reasons why you may want to engage the services of a personal trainer:

  • Weight loss

  • Weight gain

  • Weight management

  • Getting back into fitness after life transitions

  • Improving strength

  • Improving flexiblity

  • Getting back into the gym after injury

  • Improving heart health

  • Improving physical health

  • Preparing for an event (triathalon, 5K, marathon, etc)

  • Respiratory health

  • Physical health

  • Cognitive health

  • Chronic illness

  • Accountability, inspiration, support

what can you expect working with bliss

When you work with Bliss for personal training, we offer several benefits including:

  • Personalized Workout Plans: Personal trainers create customized exercise routines based on your fitness level, goals, and any specific needs or limitations you may have. This tailored approach maximizes the effectiveness of your workouts.

  • Support for Specific Needs: Personal trainers can design specialized programs for individuals with medical conditions, injuries, or specific fitness goals, such as training for a sport or event.

  • Nutritional Guidance: While they may not be registered dietitians, many personal trainers offer general nutritional advice to complement your fitness routine and help you achieve better results.

  • Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: Trainers help set realistic fitness goals and track your progress over time. They can adjust your workout plan as needed to keep you on track toward your goals.

  • Accountability and Inspiration: We act as your accountability partners to help you show up for yourself, create new habits that last a lifetime with inspiration in and outside the gym to stay committed.

Benefits of working with a personal trainer

Personal training offers several benefits that can help individuals reach their fitness goals more effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Proper Technique and Form: Personal trainers ensure that you perform exercises with the correct technique and form, reducing the risk of injury and helping you get the most out of each movement.

  2. Motivation and Accountability: Working with a trainer provides encouragement and support, making it easier to stay motivated. Knowing you have a scheduled session helps keep you accountable and consistent with your workouts.

  3. Faster and Better Results: With a structured plan and expert guidance, personal training can help you achieve your fitness goals more quickly and efficiently than working out on your own.

  4. Variety in Workouts: Personal trainers can introduce new exercises and routines to keep your workouts interesting and challenging. This prevents boredom and helps you overcome fitness plateaus.

  5. Increased Confidence: Learning how to use gym equipment correctly and having a plan can boost your confidence when working out on your own.

  6. Flexibility and Convenience: Many personal trainers offer flexible scheduling and may provide virtual sessions, making it easier to fit workouts into your busy lifestyle.

how to plan for personal training

Personal training is a luxury, but one that can radically accelerate your health goals by giving you structure, support and accountability.

When you look at habit research it can take up to 90 days to wire a new habit, and there are many new habits one is implementing when they go to the gym. This is not a quick fix, but commitment leads to lasting change. We recommend committing to this process for at least 3-6 months, but longer is recommended depending on your previous experience.

  • Our most popular program is Our BlissFit™ Program which is a 12-week jump start which can be done in-person/In-Studio, In-Person at the Gym or Virtually.

  • We also offer 4-session packages so you can choose to invest in 4, 8, 12, or 16 sessions at a time.

  • We will work with you as best we can to meet your health, wellness, fitness, and financial goals and needs.

My story

Shae Goodell

I have always lived in a heavy body, in 2012 was the lowest point for me in terms of physical health weighing in at nearly 240 pounds (photo on the left) as well as mental health, struggling with deep depression. I decided I wanted to stop the fad diets and yoyo weight loss, and I discovered the same medicine that I teach my clients. Over the last eight years of research, education, and training I now know that my weight as rooted in my adverse childhood experiences, it is not “my fault”, but it is my responsibility to take care of this body and treat it like the temple it is. I am so thankful I decided to heal my body fromt he inside out using Ayurveda lifestyle medicine, energy healing, somatic therapy, and my understanding of neuroscience, trauma and brain-based health and now weight 150 pounds (photo on the right). While it is not a number I pay attention to it is the feeling I wake up with everyday knowing I am doing everything I can to take care of my body - the way I move, the way I think, the food I choose to eat, etc. I am so thankful for all the tools and resources I have available to me to stay committed to this path.