Get the same resources I used to:

  • Lose 90 LBS and stop dieting, counting calories and excessive exercising FOREVER

  • Make living with Bipolar, Complex PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder so much easier

  • Eradicated Lyme disease and all the pain that comes with it in the process (and more!)

  • Stop negative thoughts that lead to toxic stress and impacting my health

  • Learn how to treat my conditions at the root cause and stop treating symptoms (ps. it starts with digestion!)

  • Fixed my painful and irregular menstrual cycle after four years working with “specialist” WITHOUT medication like hormone replacement therapy

  • Testimonials

    “At the risk of sounding dramatic, she saved me. From myself. For myself. By arming me with self-love and all the ways to create it from within myself. Investing in my work with Shae was the single best investment I have ever made, and now I get to save lots of money (and time) on one-dimensional talk therapy for the rest of my days. 😊 Because now, I have learned that I have everything I need to heal and thrive within my own being. What a gift! Thank you, Shae, for showing me that I am worth loving and showing me how to love myself. I will carry your shared treasures with me forever.”

    Sarah M., New York, NY

  • testimonials

    During our 1st visit, Shae was very attentive and comforting in her presence. I felt safe opening up to her, and I had the sense of her deep wisdom about Ayurveda and the workings of our body-mind- spirit human systems..I feel I am in very good hands with Shae!

    - Amy

  • Testimonials

    Description gShae is a kind, compassionate, loving teacher equipped with a wealth of knowledge. After participating in the Reiki I/II & Sound Healing Training, I left with so many valuable tools and insights about my own healing. Throughout the training, valuable resources are also shared. With Shae, any question is welcomed, there is a natural feeling of kinship, and you know you are in healing hands that are encouraging you to explore yourself to uncover your gifts and share them with the world. Thank you for a beautiful training!


  • testimonials

    Shae not only has talent and skills, as most practitioners do, but she truly has the gift of healing. While I was working with her, I was going through a gut wrenching, life changing decision and her guidance and spirit had a tremendous effect. I wasn't "present" in myself until working with her. She is wonderful, kind and incredibly empathetic. You won't find anyone better.


No more diets and calorie counting

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember with an eating disorder since I was six. I used to think if I counted every calorie, reduced my intake, exercised more, I could lose, but that actually created MORE Stress on my body leading to weight plateau and eventually weight gain, especially if I stopped exercising to the same degree. What I had to heal was my relationship to my body and my digestion and voila, I am down 90 pounds with 30 minutes of exercise a day and no calorie counting!

make living with trauma easier

As a person living with complex PTSD, Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder life was hard for over 35 years but then I decided to take control of my health. Even when my doctor did not want to listen to me. I learned to advocate for myself, to find the right people to support me and the right tools to keep me safe, secure, and social. It is why I am so passionate about helping others living with these often debilitating conditions.

stop lyme symptoms & flare ups

Most people think that our psychological state is determined by what is going on in our brain and mind, but there are neuroreceptors in the brain, heart, and stomach include vagal sensory neurons, serotonin receptors, and the heart's "little brain". That is why the #1 thing you can do to improve almost any health condition is to improve digestion. This helped me STOP all the symptoms and flare up I have been experiencing since 2019 related to Lyme Disease, which took me 5 years to get diagnosed.

stop constant negative thoughts 

Do you have a automatic loop of negative thoughts going through your mind? Do you feel constant worry and anxiety and struggle with depression? Whether you are on medication or not, we can educate you and guide you to learn new tools to manage these conditions that work with any other treatment you may be considering.

Don’t let constant negative thoughts cause stress and ruin your health!

learn the root cause, stop treating symptoms

Today too many interventions åre designed to treat the “symptom”, not the root cause. We want to educate and empower our clients to understand how stress, trauma, especially childhood adversity impacts our health as adults so you can make informed choices, advocate for yourself in medical and mental health environments and create the best plan for well-being.

stop painful and irregular periods 

For as long as I can remember I have had painful periods, but once I discovered the root cause, i was able to address it without risky interventions like hormone replacement therapy. Instead of having my period every two weeks, now it is every 21-28 days, and hardly noticeable. Be empowered in your menstrual health!


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