new clients

discover a different approach to feeling well

A Bliss, we use a very different approach to helping clients feel well. Rather than focusing on symptoms we use a comprehensive intake and assessment process informed by Ayurveda, Brain Health, Neuroscience, energy medicine and somatics to hep you not only understand yourself better but also have a clear plan of action to achieve your wellness goals.

The Healing & Well-Being Blueprint

The Healing and Well-being Blueprint is not required but it is the BEST place to start if you want the most comprehensive approach to transforming your wellness. So many people waste time and money on activities, supplements, behaviors and beliefs that never really lead to change and focus too much on an external locus of control and on symptoms rather than root cause. Take a moment to explore the process of developing your personal blueprint.

This is a combination of multiple services and four comprehensive appointments to dive into your health and well-being, create clear goals and a SMART plan, and kick start your wellness journey with coaching and mentoring along the way.

Using motivational interviewing we get laser focused on what is working, what is not working, what goals you have, and how you can actually achieve them (even if you have not been able to in the past). You will also learn about dis-ease prevention versus symptom treatment through a lens of lifestyle medicine and holistic wellness.  Includes FREE Heart-Based meditation training.

Session 1

Intake & Assessment

Time: 2 Hours

This is a compassionate, client-centered, and motivational interview to help uncover the root cause of dis-ease and discontent and guide the creation of a personalized plan just for you! It includes:

  • Ayurvedic Health Assessment and Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment which reveals the imbalances in physiology and psychology that may be influencing your wellness

  • Energy and Chakra Assessment

  • Brain Health assessment

  • Positive Intelligence Assessment

  • Vedic astrology chart review

  • Goals assessment, as well as other goodies as needed by each client

  • You will leave with at least 2-3 recommendations you can start using RIGHT AWAY

    It takes about 2 Hours behind the scenes to prepare your chart reading and blueprint (a human (Shae) does this, NOT AI). We ask for a week in between session one and two to allow time to prepare this. 

Session 2

Well-Being Plan Presentation & Review

Time: 1 Hour

  • Based on your intake and assessment we create a personalized Blueprint to guide your well-being transformation. This is designed to guide you for the first 30 days unless you choose to become a Bliss client and enroll in a personalized program available for 3, 6 or 12 months. This blueprint include:

  • Detailed recommendations for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being

  • Ayurveda nutrition recommendations and principles that support your health and wellness goals

  • Somatic therapy/mind-body therapy services based on your goals

  • Energy medicine recommendations, for example chakra imbalance and focus, meditation, breathwork recomendations, etc

  • Brain and neuroscience based principles, practices and tools to support your success

  • SMART Goals, planning and accountability options

All clients receive FREE Heart-Based Meditation training and access to FREE access to The Bliss Within course.

How to use your plan

Once you have your plan there are three ways clients usually move forward.

Choose a 30-day well-being blueprint to kick off your journey and move forward on your own with only two follow up mentoring sessions - included at no additional cost
Start a private mentoring/coaching journey to support you for 3, 6 or 12 months, cost varies, but these long term programs are available at discounted rates


Take your plan and work at your own place to implement your plan. This is great for people who are organized, self-starters, commits and sticks to goals easily and surrounded by a strong social group and support system.


We will include four 45-minute coaching sessions within 60-days of starting your well-being plan, usually every two weeks. This provides you with support, encouragement, and accountability. Includes free text/email support (up to 15 minutes a week for 60-days).

Once your Blueprint is complete, you can choose which option works for you and we will provide affordable options based on your preference.


Take your transformation from insighht from your blueprint and coaching check ins and add in services like somatic theray, energy healing, breathwork, and therapuetic mentoring as well as personalized mentoring for 3 or 6 months.

paying for services

No Insurance Required. Sliding Scales.

Cash Discounts. Financing.

Making your health and wellness is a priority for all humans, but socioeconomic factors often get in the way. We believe that wellness is a right for ALL HUMANS not just the wealthy. Which is why we have gone to great lengths to provide flexible payment solutions, and why we work hard to understand each client so we can provide the right program and payment solutions for you.


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