Our modern world is facing unprecedented rates of Anxiety. We see commercials for it, new pharmaceutical treatment for it, and the latest social media star is talking about their “battle” with this debilitating condition. Which may or may not be true, very likely an artificial attempt at connection to sell you something - beware!

We have to remember that “anxiety” is a natural and often useful emotional response that helps us deal with stressful situations. Anxiety becomes problematic when it becomes overwhelming, chronic, and a barrier to day-to-day functioning, freedom and joy which might manifest in both physical and psychological symptoms and feelings of worry, fear, or unease.

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, seeking professional help is a crucial step. It’s a common issue, and there are many resources available to help manage and alleviate its effects.

complementary & holistic care for anxiety

It is important to work with a licensed medical and/or mental health professional to address your concerns with anxiety to ensure you receive the right treatment. At Bliss, we offer complemetnary and alternative medicine and holistic wellness services for clients struggling with anxiety.

  • Ayurveda is a 5,000 system of functional and lifestyle medicine rooted in consciousness - conscious connection to mind, body, heart and spirit. It offers wisdom that can inform how we think about ourselves, others and the world around us, our relationship to food, our daily habits and practices and our sleep. When working with clients with anxiety we do a complete intake and assessment to understand your struggles with anxiety and make detailed recommendations to help reduce anxiety from the inside out. This might mean improving digestion to the body does not have to work so hard, or improving sleep so you ave more energy and do not feel so drained, or guiding and coaching you to make positive behavior modification that have been shown to reduce anxiety, calm the anxiety centers of the brain that makes you hyper-vigilant, and bring more rest and relaxation into your life.

  • Anxiety is something we "feel" before we consciously know it is coming. This is a nuance in self-connection that is rarely taught because most people do not know how to do it and it happens so quickly we need to learn to pay attention to it.

    Here is an example.

    While working with a college student he was struggling with anxiety, he continued to work with his therapist but we worked on the somatics of anxiety. He got to the point in our sessions where he could correlate a tingle in the back of his neck with the anxiety "attack" . Prior to this the anxiety would overtake him and he would be feel debilitated. Once he noticed the tingle he could get ahead of the anxiety with exercises like breathing, going for a walk, taking a break, noticing what was happening, mindfulness etc.

    Using somatic therapy and mind-body therapy we help clients connect to their body and the way experiences like anxiety show up in the body. This can provide better tools to navigate anxiety asa well as teach people how to stay regulated even when they feel anxiety coming on so it does not feel debilitating.

    We work with each client to understand how anxiety is impacting their life and offer safe, trauma-informed, and compassionate spaces to explore their relationship to anxiety, how it shows up in the body, and teach some practical strategies for staying regulated.

  • Anxiety is quite simply "fear", and that fear can be projected onto the relationship you have with yourself, others and the world around you. But, ultimately this fear starts in the brain with our specific brain architecture. We can use brain health based strategies to promote healthy management and mitigation of anxiety and symptoms so clients feel more empowered and in control. We will develop a specific brain-health plan for you, rooted in psychology and neuroscience to support your brain health if you struggle with anxiety.

  • Energy Medicine comes in many forms and we offer sound healing, energy work like Reiki and Pranic healing, bodywork, breathwork and other modalities to help clients change their relationship to anxiety. Sometimes this means creating safe, quiet, relaxing spaces where clients learn how to be calm and still. Sometimes this means educating clients on the energetic qualities of anxiety, their origin, where they live in the body and how to move this energy to bring more balance back to the whole. It may also include "moving" the energy through integration and "digestion" of past experiences so we no longer have to hold them with such force.

From the American Psychological Association

Here are a few key points about anxiety

What are the types of Anxiety Disorders

There are several types of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Specific Phobias. Each has its own set of symptoms and triggers.


The causes of anxiety can be complex and varied. Stressful events, trauma, and/or major life changes can contribute to anxiety. This can include adverse childhood experiences, genetic factors, brain chemistry, personality traits, environment, life experiences, and even as a learned behavior. In a 2023 article, researchers found that children of mothers with anxiety were more likely to develop anxiety by the time they were 15.


Anxiety can cause a range of symptoms, such as increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, fatigue, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating. It can also lead to changes in behavior, like avoiding certain places or situations.


Anxiety is often treated with a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is commonly used to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns. Medications, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs, might also be prescribed. Practices like mindfulness, regular exercise, and a healthy diet can also help manage symptoms. In addition to professional treatment, there are several strategies that can help manage anxiety, including deep breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, maintaining a routine, and setting realistic goals. It’s also helpful to connect with supportive friends or family.

My story

Shae Goodell

I never thought I had anxiety until I began working with Amen Clinics, and while I do not like diagnosis codes - I think they serve insurance companies and statisticians more than patients - but being able to name what I was feeling as “anxiety” gave me language to relate to as I thought about how I wanted to live with this condition and treat it in more natural and holistic ways. Anxiety is not always a bad thing, it is essential to responding to stress, but like chronic stress, chronic nxiety is the problem. While I will always have “anxiety” because it is something hard-wired into our brains and my specific brain architecture from childhood, I now know that I have more control than ever and this helps me let go of the need to control while still navigating the inevitable adversity of being human. I use a combination of nutrition, brain-based health, meditation, energy work and somatic therapy to make living with anxiety so much easier.