Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks (often called deer ticks) and resulting in a bacterial infection. It may be treatable with antibiotics depending on if the tick bite is discovered soon enough, and through medical treatment from a qualified professional.

Lyme disease is a complicated health condition, often under and misdiagnosed because of the complexity of symptoms and challenge in identifying the original tick or tick bite that caused the infection.

If you, or someone you know is struggling with Lyme Disease it is important to get the right help.

complementary & holistic care for Lyme

It is important to work with a licensed medical and/or mental health professional to address your concerns with lyme disease and auto-immune conditions to ensure you receive the right treatment. At Bliss, we offer complementary and alternative liffestyle support and holistic wellness services for clients struggling with lyme disease.

  • Ayurveda is a 5,000 system of functional and lifestyle medicine rooted in consciousness - conscious connection to mind, body, heart and spirit. It offers the wisdom of the six stages of disease. Once we have Lyme Disease we are already at the stage of disease but that does not mean we can't implement diet and lifestyle changes to radically improve our health and treatment outcomes.

    When working with clients with lyme disease we do a complete intake and assessment to understand your wellness goals and make detailed recommendations that might help.

    This might include education on tools and resources to help with sleep, digestion, stress management, and lifestyle factors.

    This might mean improving digestion to the body does not have to work so hard, helping you sleep better so you have more energy and your body can heal, or guiding and coaching you to make positive behavior modification that have been shown to reduce stress of living with chronic health conditions.

  • Being diagnosed with a potentially life-long diagnosis like Lyme Disease can be stressful and life changing. It can cause us to disconnect from our body almost like coming to see it as the "enemy'".

    Using somatic therapy we help clients create a nourish a deeper connection to the body that will help you feel more empowered, safe in your body, resources and regulated to navigate your health journey.

    We also help clients learn to pay attention to their body in different ways to develop "somatic literacy" for recognizing what makes their body feel or worse and make more mindful choices about nutrition, stress management and lifestyle to reduce flareups.

  • Lyme disease can impact brain health and psychological health. We provide brain-based education to client to help them understand the ways they can improve their well-being and perhaps even optimize medical interventions so you can feel more empowered, in control, and benefit from your treatment plan.

  • Energy Medicine comes in many forms and we offer sound healing, energy work like Reiki and Pranic healing, bodywork, breathwork and other modalities to help clients feel safe, relaxed and in a sense - escape the "diagnosis" for a short time and just feel well in mind, body and spirit.

    We educate clients on the energetic qualities of lyme disease, how stress plays a role and where they live in the body and how to move this energy to bring more balance back to the whole. It may also include "moving" the energy through integration and "digestion" of past experiences so we no longer have to hold them with such force.

more information about lyme disease

Here are a few key points about lyme disease and auto-immune conditions

causes, transmission and prevention

  • Tick Avoidance: Avoiding tick habitats (e.g., wooded or grassy areas), using insect repellents with DEET, and wearing long sleeves and pants can reduce the risk of tick bites.

  • Tick Checks: Conducting thorough tick checks after outdoor activities and removing ticks promptly (using fine-tipped tweezers) can help prevent infection.

  • Tick Removal: Removing ticks as soon as possible can decrease the likelihood of transmission. Ticks should be grasped close to the skin and removed with steady, even pressure.

  • Bacterium: Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete bacterium, is the primary cause of Lyme disease. In some regions, other Borrelia species can also cause similar symptoms.

  • Tick Vector: The primary vector for Lyme disease is the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) in the eastern and north-central United States, and the western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus) in the western United States.

  • Transmission: Ticks become infected by feeding on small mammals or birds that carry the bacteria. They then transmit the bacteria to humans through their bite. The risk of transmission increases the longer the tick is attached, typically more than 24-48 hours.

Lyme disease can also lead to complications like Chronic Lyme Disease and Co-Infections. Persistent symptoms, often referred to as PTLDS, can include fatigue, pain, and cognitive difficulties. The exact cause of these symptoms is not fully understood, and research is ongoing. Ticks can carry other pathogens that cause diseases such as babesiosis, anaplasmosis, or ehrlichiosis, which can complicate Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment.

HOw do you diagnose lyme disease

Lyme disease is one of the most challenging conditions to diagnose and treat, and many doctors do not even agree on the correct testing or treatment - especially between western medicine and naturopathic medicine, This which can be frustrating for patients who are struggling.

  • Clinical Assessment: Diagnosis is often based on a combination of clinical symptoms, history of tick exposure, and physical examination.

  • Laboratory Tests: Blood tests can detect antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi. The most commonly used tests include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) followed by a Western blot test if the ELISA is positive. However, these tests may not be positive in the early stages of infection.


Lyme disease symptoms are not the same for everyone but there are some general guidelines.

Early-Stage (3 to 30 days after tick bite):

  • Erythema Migrans: A characteristic rash that appears as a red, expanding ring with a central clearing, often described as a “bull’s-eye.” However, not all patients develop this rash.

  • Flu-like Symptoms: Fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms can mimic the flu or other viral infections.

Later-Stage (weeks to months after tick bite):

  • Musculoskeletal Issues: Joint pain, particularly in the knees, and arthritis can develop.

  • Neurological Symptoms: Facial palsy (Bell’s palsy), meningitis, or other neurological symptoms may occur.

  • Cardiac Symptoms: Lyme carditis, which can cause heart palpitations or other cardiac issues, though this is less common.

Chronic or Persistent Symptoms:

  • Some individuals may experience ongoing symptoms after treatment, such as fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and cognitive issues. This condition is sometimes referred to as Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS).

HOW DO YOU TREAT lyme disease?

Lyme disease treatment varies significantly and often consists of a variety of interventions, both natural and medical.

  • Antibiotics: Early-stage Lyme disease is typically treated with oral antibiotics such as doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime. Treatment duration is usually 10 to 14 days.

  • Advanced Cases: In cases with more severe symptoms or neurological involvement, intravenous antibiotics may be required.

  • Post-Treatment: For persistent symptoms, additional treatments and supportive care may be necessary. The management of PTLDS often involves symptom relief and supportive therapies rather than additional antibiotics.

Bliss is the type of provider that can offer symptom relief and supportive therapist to those living with lyme disease.

My story

Shae Goodell

Since as early as 2019 I had been experiencing co-occuring symptoms despite steps I take to live a healthy lifestyle. I saw over 15 doctors to treat my “symptoms” (none of whom actually ended up helping, my PCP at the time even denied my treatment saying it was all in my head and even denied me referrals - needless to say that person is no longer on my care team) but it was only when I started working with a Naturopathic Doctor we discovered one of the culprits - Lyme Disease. I still do not know when I picked up the tick or even where I was when it happened. What I do know is that living with lyme is not easy. It impacts you in ways you can’t even imagine and can complicate other health problems. I am so thankful I discovered the healing arts of somatic therapy, energy work, brain health and especially Ayurveda, because it helps me manage and mitigate symptoms every day in ways that western medicine is unable to do.