weight management

In many parts of the world we are facing unprecedented rates of chronic health challenges caused by poor weight management. This might include obesity or disordered eating. Weight management is a broad and personalized approach to achieving and maintaining a “healthy” body weight, and it can involve a combination of dietary, physical, and behavioral strategies tailored to an individual's needs and goals.

At Bliss, believe that weight management is less about the “weight” and more about our connection to the body, consciousness of food and nutrition, and learning how to bring ourselves into balance - mind, body and spirit. We also know from our research, training and education, that weight management - whether you want to lose weight or gain weight are two sides of the same coin - a result of adversity/trauma often at a young age.

Extend yourself some grace and compassion and trust that you are beautiful. We will show you how to focus more on loving yourself exactly as you are and if you lose/gain weight in the process, isn’t that a nice benefit.

complementary & holistic care for weight management

It is important to work with a licensed medical and/or mental health professional to address your concerns with weight management issues to ensure you receive the right treatment, especially if you have a diagnosed health condition like Lyme, Diabetes, etc. At Bliss, we offer complementary and alternative medicine and holistic wellness services for clients struggling with weight management.

  • Ayurveda is a 5,000 system of functional and lifestyle medicine rooted in consciousness - conscious connection to mind, body, heart and spirit. It offers wisdom that can inform how we think about ourselves, others and the world around us, our relationship to food, our daily habits and practices and our sleep. When working with clients who want to lose weight or gain weight, we do a complete intake and assessment to understand your relationship to your body, food, nutrition, and make detailed recommendations to help you feel empowered to make the positive life changes that will support your weight management goals.

    This might mean improving digestion to the body does not have to work so hard, or improving sleep so you ave more energy and do not feel so drained. We also used brain-based coaching and mentoring so you can feel more empowered and in control.

    We guide and coach clients to make set and monitor goals, commit to positive behavior modification and celebrate successes along the way.

  • When we struggle with weight management - either losing weight or gaining weight, it is vital that we reform the relationship we have with our body.

    Your body keeps the score of all your past experiences and often times disordered eating conditions are not your fault.

    For example, anorexia is associated with the third chakra and losing power in our life, especially at a young age.

    The early studies on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) shows the correlation between obseity and early childhood trauma, especially sexual trauma.

    We work with each client to understand their relationship to their body and offer a safe, trauma-informed, and compassionate space to explore this relationship and gain tools, resources and support to feel better.

  • Brain health plays a crucial role in weight management and weight loss. The brain is involved in regulating appetite, cravings, decision-making, and motivation, all of which can impact eating behaviors and physical activity.

    We used a brain-based approach to coaching and mentoring that helps clients better understand themselves, their brain, and the role that trauma and adversity may play in their struggle.

    Good brain health supports cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and executive function. These are important for planning and maintaining a weight loss strategy, including meal planning and adherence to exercise routines.

  • Energy Medicine comes in many forms and we offer sound healing, energy work like Reiki and Pranic healing, bodywork, breathwork and other modalities to help clients change their relationship to anxiety. Sometimes this means creating safe, quiet, relaxing spaces where clients learn how to be calm and still.

    We also teach clients about energy management using personal training and respiratory training so you can get healtier and lose or gain weight easier and more gently and stop wit the diets and yoyo weigt loss.

    We educate clients on the energetic qualities of weight management, what are they holding onto? To notice where tis energy lives in the body and how to move this energy to bring more balance back to the whole. It may also include "moving" the energy through integration and "digestion" of past experiences so we no longer have to hold them with such force.

From the American Psychological Association

Here are a few key points about weight management

What are the key factors to weight management


  • Balanced Diet: Consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, supports overall health and helps regulate weight.

  • Portion Control: Managing portion sizes helps control calorie intake and prevent overeating. Understanding serving sizes and practicing mindful eating are important.

  • Healthy Eating Habits: Incorporating regular meals and snacks, reducing high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, and being mindful of hunger and fullness cues are essential.

  1. Physical Activity:

    • Exercise: Regular physical activity, including aerobic exercises (e.g., walking, running, swimming) and strength training (e.g., weight lifting, resistance exercises), helps burn calories, build muscle, and boost metabolism.

    • Consistency: Incorporating exercise into daily routines and finding activities you enjoy can help maintain motivation and long-term success.

  2. Behavioral Strategies:

    • Goal Setting: Setting realistic and achievable short-term and long-term goals can provide motivation and direction. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

    • Self-Monitoring: Tracking food intake, physical activity, and progress through journals or apps helps identify patterns and make necessary adjustments.

    • Support Systems: Building a support network of family, friends, or support groups can provide encouragement and accountability.

  3. Lifestyle Factors:

    • Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for weight management. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate hunger and metabolism, potentially leading to weight gain.

    • Stress Management: Chronic stress can lead to emotional eating or unhealthy food choices. Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help manage stress and support weight management.

  4. Medical and Professional Support:

    • Healthcare Providers: Consulting with doctors, dietitians, or nutritionists can offer personalized advice and medical guidance for weight management.

    • Weight Management Programs: Structured programs or interventions may provide comprehensive approaches, including dietary plans, exercise routines, and behavioral therapy.

WHAT ARE THE most common approaches to weight management

Weight Loss:

  • Caloric Deficit: Consuming fewer calories than you expend leads to weight loss. This should be done gradually to avoid negative health effects. Aim for a balanced, sustainable approach rather than extreme calorie restriction.

  • Healthy Eating and Exercise: Combining a balanced diet with regular physical activity enhances weight loss and supports overall health.

  1. Weight Maintenance:

    • Balancing Intake and Expenditure: To maintain weight, balance calorie intake with the number of calories burned through physical activity and metabolic processes. This involves continued attention to diet and exercise.

    • Adaptation: Adjusting dietary and exercise habits based on changes in lifestyle, age, or metabolism helps maintain weight over time.

  2. Weight Gain:

    • Caloric Surplus: Consuming more calories than you expend promotes weight gain. Focus on nutrient-rich foods to ensure that weight gain supports overall health.

    • Strength Training: Incorporating resistance exercises helps build muscle mass, which contributes to healthy weight gain and improves body composition.

What are some of the considerations off weight management

  • Individual Variability: Weight management strategies should be personalized, as factors like genetics, metabolism, and underlying health conditions can influence weight.

  • Avoiding Quick Fixes: Be cautious of fad diets or extreme measures that promise rapid results, as they may not be sustainable or healthy in the long term.

  • Sustainable Changes: Focus on making gradual, sustainable lifestyle changes rather than seeking quick fixes. Long-term success is more likely with a balanced approach.

My story

Shae Goodell

I have struggled with body image and an eating disorder since as early as six years old. I know and understand the struggle. In 2012 (photo on the left), I was nearly 240 pounds, sad, depressed and unhappy. I decided enough was enough and have been on a journey to change and maintain a better relationship with my mind and body. It was only Ayurveda functional medicine, energy work, brain health and somatic therapy that I was able to learn how to feel safe and connected to my body, better manage intrusive thoughts and mindless eating and cravings that led me to a state of wellness that I am so proud of today. I stopped calorie counting, exercise less but get more benefit from it, have better cardiovascular health, and not to mention have self-healed many conditions in the process - IBS, sleep disturbances, better manage my mood, skin conditions, chornic pain and more.