change your brain, change your life

neuroscience & brain health

Do we have a mental health crisis or a BRAIN health crisis? Everything from early adversity and trauma, to poor health, poor habits, neglect, TBI, PTSD and more, impact our overall brain health. This has a cumulative effect over our lifetime but it is never too late to create a healthier brain. In fact the study of neuroscience including neuroplasticity confirms that with the right plan, accountability, goal setting and healthy lifestyle changes you can create a healthier brain for a healthier and happier life.

You are Not Stuck With the Brain You Have.

Neuroscience I Brain Health I Neuroencoding I Positive Intelligence

All thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, choices, actions and ultimately the REALITY we create for ourselves is informed by our brain health. Brain health his impacted by brain development and brain architecture and is the result of life experiences (i.e attachment, trauma, adversity, childhood trauma), this creates “programming” or an operating system that then informs every area of our life including the relationship with ourselves, with others and the world around us.

All too often, I see and work with people who are trying to make meaningful change in their life only to be sabotaged by this operating system. You can only do what your brain will allow you to. You can desire to live a life free of anxiety or depression, crave better relationships, desire to lose weight, but until you create a brain that supports that, it will be challenging to manage or mitigate the symptoms completely, and people end of really just “managing symptoms” or reactions or sabatoging themselves because of a lack of belief, trust, hope and the ability to implement positive behavior modification on their own. As the wise Buddhist teacher and author, Steven Levine wrote in his book a Gradual Awakening, “The mind is a useful tool but a terrible master and not a very good friend.”

Using and combining the work and my learning with a Masters Degree in Neuroscience and Trauma, training with teachers including Dr. Daniel Amen, the founder of Amen Clinics, Dr. Joseph McClendon, founder of The Neuroencoding Institute , and Shirzad Shamin, founder of Positive Intelligence, I apply a brain health and neuroscience lens to every client I work with to both help me understand them and, more importantly, help them understand themselves so they can be better equipped to act and advocate for themselves in medical and mental health settings.

explore our brain health

  • We offer 1:1 and group programs to individuals, families, friends, and businesses who want to maximize their brain health. Programs include:

    • Brain Fit for Work & LIfe

    • BrainThrive by 25

    • Brain Warriors Way

    • Bright Minds

    • Change Your Brain, Change Your LIfe

    • Memory Rescure

    • Overcoming Anxiety, Grief, Depression and Trauma in 6 Weeks

    • Reboot Your Brain

    • Reprogram Your LIfe

    As a Board Certified Brain Health Coach this training informs every client I work with because every person, every brain is unique and the brain is responsible for everything we do. I work with clients to help them understand their unique Brain Health Assessment, a tool developed by Amen Clinics, it helps them have more awareness and compassion about their brain, why it works the way it does and how it helps or hinders them.  It also helps identify specific tools and practices that work with their brain type specifically to get the most out of coaching.   

    As a Brain Health Coach, I educate clients and show them how to improve the health of their brain and understand how it works and functions, and how to overcome things like automatic negative thoughts, anxiety, depression or grief.   I use scientifically supported, evidence based tools and resources to support brain health to help clients optimize well-being on every level.   When your brain works better, everything works better.

    I combine Brain Health Coaching and available assessments to create personalized, integrative recommendations for each client as part of the True Evolution ™ experience which focused on personal growth through a trauma-informed, client centered approach that looks at the whole person not just symptoms, to get to the root of your dis-ease, discontent or imbalance.       

    Brain Health is one of the foundational components to every program I deliver and every client I work with.  Our Brain plays a huge role in our thoughts, behaviours and actions.  Understanding how our minds work, how our personal brains operate can provide huge insight as we explore healing and personal development.  I also offer exclusive small group masterminds throughout the year specifically on the topic.    

  • Because of my interest in NeuroScience and Brain Health, I had the great fortune to study under Dr. Joseph McClendon IIII in the Neuroencoding Institute. McClendon is a pioneer in mindset hacking and transformation.  

    It is through his training that I have become a Licensed NeuroEncoding Specialist and show clients to change thoughts, beliefs and actions quicker and easier while creating more joy and pleasure in their life.  

    Neuroencoding was designed by Dr. Joseph McClendon III after three decades of tactical experience in science, education, high performance and leadership coaching.  This is a heart-centered, science-backed system for self-mastery that will walk you through a proven system to make positive changes and heal from ANY experience in life faster and easier.

    With NeuroEncoding you can learn more precise methods to:

    • Support effective Intrapersonal and interpersonal communication

    • “Structure your struggle” for effective self-awareness and personal development

    • Interrupt unresourceful internal feedback loops

    • Optimize a scatoma to reprogram new thoughts, beliefs and behaviors

    • Further bridge the mind, body, spirit connection for personal growth 

    • Create a true vision for your life and learn to reprogram your life, your mind, your body to support that vision 

    I apply the principles of NeuroEncoding to every client I work with to show them how to more quickly and easily change habits, behaviors and beliefs to optimize how they think feel, and act to further bridge the mind, body, spirit connection.   

    NeuroEncoding is a specialized method for personal growth and just one piece of the Bliss Therapy™ approach which offers an integrative approach to care that is trauma informed, client centered and focused on transformational personal development and healing. 

  • Positive Intelligence (i.e. PQ) is a personal development system framework developed by Psychologist, Shirzad Chamin and based on decades of research and factor analysis.

    PQ is built on the premise that within us we have twelve saboteurs and five sages that are with us throughout life. Sabateurs can negatively impact our life by Impacting how we see the world, and the relationships we have with ourselves, others and the world around us. Sages are the inner super powers we can learn to identify, develop, and tune into when saboteurs attack,

    I invite clients to use the PQ assessment to understand the science behind this framework, their own saboteurs and utilize the tools available from PQ if they are interested in enhancing both their understanding and utilization in their own life.

  • With a Masters Degree in Neuroscience and Trauma, specializing in education and holistic and complenentary intervention strategies, I love to educate clients about the brain, how it is influenced by diet, nutrition, lifestyle, stress, early trauma and adversity and other factors.

    The more we know about the brain, the more we can understand ourselves, offer compassion, and implement more effective solutions to optimize and maintain more resourceful mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

“"I was a little worried going into it that I might leave feeling worse but the session was slow and mindful and helped me work through irritation, left feeling much better. I actually got to voice and notice some of the personalities within me that have been taking over my thoughts. Your capacity to stay neutral verbally and physically was incredibly powerful; one of your great strengths."

— TB, California

Download The Free Guide

  • What are resourceful and unresourceful thoughts, beliefs and behaviors?

  • How do they sabotage us?

  • Get a SIMPLE and EASY 4-step technique to interrupt this Pattern

  • Learn the first steps to rewire your brain to build new neural pathways that support change and success

“Remember that your brain is involved in everything you do, every decision you make, every bite of food you take, every cigarette you smoke, every worrisome thought you have, every workout you skip, every alcoholic beverage you drink, and more.”

Daniel G. Amen